
What does
Kosho mean?

The name Kosho derives from the Japanese and can be translated with lake, body of water or also with old book. These terms symbolize the values that Kosho Cosmetics stands for: Kosho is tranquility and equilibrium, reflection and balance. Kosho is like a meditation at a quiet lake. And Kosho is also timeless knowledge preserved in old books.


A chance encounter that inspires

Holger Hampel always had a passion for natural and sustainable products. The founder of Kosho pursued this passion during many years of research in the food industry. “But I wanted to use my knowledge of natural raw materials for other purposes,” explains Hampel. That’s why he began developing natural cosmetic care products and researching new active ingredients. One day, practically by chance, he discovered matcha green tea. “It quickly became clear to me that this unique natural product has enormous potential!” Not only as food, but also for the health and protection of the skin. Enthusiastic about matcha, Holger Hampel explored how it could be used for external application and undertook further training to deepen his knowledge of cosmetics.

The time is ripe for Kosho Matcha Effective

In 2013, Holger Hampel founded Kosho Cosmetics and started developing the first exclusive range of products – Kosho Matcha Effective which he led to a successful market entry. “This product line is characterised by specifically selected and complementary products for efficient skin care,” recalls the Kosho founder. The design was also important to him: “It should reflect the leading quality of the products and their exclusivity, but also calm and restraint.” The very first facial care line based on matcha was launched.

Our mission


The world of cosmetics is fast, colourful and noisy. “Many promises are made and one short-lived trend follows another,” is how Holger Hampel sums up his impressions of the industry. It was clear to him from the outset that he would take a completely different path with his own product line. “Kosho’s path is comparable to walking through a tea field: you have to walk slowly and carefully – there are no shortcuts.” Thanks to this sustainable approach, the Kosho brand today stands for high-quality natural products. And customers benefit from the experience gained along the way.


Naturalness, tradition and the latest Swiss skin research and biotechnology – these are the factors that make up Kosho’s facial care line. And although the brand is a pioneer in skin care with matcha extract, Kosho is cautious. “Respect for the users, our partners, and those growing and refining the raw materials is absolutely central to us,” explains Holger Hampel. Kosho is not a noisy mass product in the lower price segment, but a quiet, exclusive cosmetic line. “We are there for all those who would rather surround themselves with a few but selected and effective products they trust.” And what exactly do these users get in return for their confidence in Kosho Cosmetics? “We help them to experience their beauty over and over, and to share the wonderful feeling of vitality and health with the world,” says Hampel, summarising Kosho’s mission.
